The Mortgage Lender loosens BTL LTVs and portfolio criteria | Mortgage Strategy


The Mortgage Lender has lifted its maximum loan amount for multi-unit blocks and new build, and removed the loan to value restrictions on aggregate lending up to £5m.

The specialist lender says it will now lend up to £3m for a MUB property at 70% loan to value and £2m for a new build property at 70% LTV.

It has also removed LTV restrictions on aggregate lending with a maximum loan amount of £5m across a landlord’s portfolio.

It has lifted the exposure limits on blocks of flats, and will now consider lending on all units in a block of four compared to its previous limit of two.

The Mortgage Lender sales and product director Steve Griffiths says: “The latest changes to our buy to let range respond to a vibrant and competitive market where landlords are keen to add to their portfolios and diversify into property types and locations where they see an opportunity.

“By increasing our maximum loans and taking a portfolio view on risk we are able to provide lending options to support brokers and their landlords as they grow their businesses.”

Earlier this month, the firm cut rates on its five-year limited edition buy-to-let products and extended the range by adding houses in multiple occupation and multi-unit blocks to the offer.

Its five-year limited edition fixed rate at 75% loan to value for individual and limited company applicants comes down from 3.31 per cent to 3.2 per cent.

The new five-year fixed houses in multiple occupation/MUB product has an initial rate of 3.58% at 75% loan to value.

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