Pure Retirement makes criteria changes | Mortgage Introducer


These are now catered for under Heritage products, providing the property is worth over £200,000 and has a resale value of under 3%.

The maximum LTV available will be two-thirds of those for standard properties.

Brendan Gilligan, head of product delivery at Pure Retirement, said: “As the market continues to grow we have a certain responsibility as a lender to continue evolving our product offering and ensuring we’re offering product solutions that meet customer needs.

“These criteria changes mainly open up our products to more customers and property types, particularly to customers who reside in age-restricted properties, an area which is somewhat underserved in the equity release market.

“There are an estimated 725,000 retirement housing units in the UK and our criteria changes will allow more owners of these property types the chance to access equity in the property and support them in enjoying their later years.

“This is the first of many planned improvements to our product offering in 2020 as we continue working towards developing ambitious and innovative retirement solutions for the benefit of both of our adviser network and the end customer.”

Other criteria changes include flat roofs being considered up to 30%, up from 25% last year, and maximum acreage has increased to five acres from three.

Leasehold properties will be considered if leases have a minimum of over 100 years remaining.

Previously minimum lease terms were 120 years.

In addition, annexes where a carer or relative are residing will also be considered, subject to them being on the same title as the property with shared council tax and utilities.

If a listed occupier is a spouse or civil partner they must now be an owner of the property and party to the mortgage.

The Heritage range was launched in March 2018.