Public Sculpture Installation - Wellington


As a part of the most recent installment of the Art in Public Places initiative sculptures by renowned Wellington artist Colbert C. Collins will soon be on display in various locations in the Village of Wellington. Collins’ bronzes reflect an inner vision that life is “a discovery of the inherent design and relationship between all things.”

His pieces illustrate a fascination with movement and the significant bonds between people. Collins sculptures and collections span four continents, over 2public and private facilities, and more than 3,000 homes. His images range from small 6-inch representational pieces to large 15-foot steel abstracts.  Four of Collins’ sculptures will be showcased in the following areas: Wellington Community Center, Village Hall, and entry of Palm Beach Little Ranches community.   

Collins was a decorated paratrooper and ranger in the 101st Airborne Division, successful restaurateur, and a prolific sculptor. Collins was a resident of Wellington from 1977 to 2009, living in the Wellington area for over 30 years.

For more information on Colbert Collins’ life and work, visit