Loughborough Building Society updates BTL product range | Mortgage Strategy


Loughborough Building Society has updated its buy-to-let (BTL) offering to incorporate feedback from brokers and customers.

The updated BTL range includes holiday let, family BTL, business and consumer BTL and let to buy.

The holiday let product is available for the purchase or re-mortgage of properties in England and Wales that are used for short term holiday letting including Air BnB.

The 75% loan to value (LTV) two year fixed rate is 3.29% with a completion fee of £499.

For family BTL, both fixed and discounted rates are available for the purchase or re-mortgage of properties in England and Wales that are rented out to close family members.

At 80% LTV, standard variable rate (SVR) discounted rates start at 3.24% for three years with free standard valuation and no completion fee.

Business and consumer BTL fixed and discounted rates are available for the purchase or re-mortgage of properties in England and Wales, including for first time buyers and first time landlords.

The 80% LTV, SVR discounted rates start at 2.79% for two years with free standard valuation and no completion fee.

The let to buy offering has also been included in the range after the society saw an increase in the number of applicants who want to secure their next residential home while retaining their existing property.

Loughborough Building Society national business development manager Ashley Pearson says: “I really like our BTL proposition, the fact we offer family BTL and holiday let, both with fixed rates, and allow first time buyers up to 80% LTV enables us to provide solutions for even more investors.”

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