Yes Jupiterthere is a National Violin Day


Yes, indeed it seems just about every little thing has a national day.  So, it should come as no surprise to Jupiter residents that there is a National Violin Day too! There are more than 1,500 national days, weeks, and months to be celebrated each year, according to the folks who run the National Day Calendar website. Just about anything you can think of has its own day.

The violin, which comes from the Medieval Latin word “vitula,” meaning “stringed instrument”, has a recognizable tone and appearance. Some of the most valued violins have sold for millions of dollars at auction. National Violin Day on December 13 recognizes the impact and cultural contributions of a most versatile instrument. The violin family has four members and includes the viola, cello and double bass. “Violin”and “fiddle” are names for the same instrument. They are featured in all types of music: classical, bluegrass, country, jazz and even rock.

The violin is a complex instrument made of mostly spruce or maple. It takes 70 pieces of wood, fit snugly together, to make one. A person who makes or repairs violins is called a luthier. A violin bow has 150 to 200 hairs, which usually come from the tails of male horses. Males, especially those from very cold climates, are preferred, because female horses urinate on their tails, therefore their hair is not as thick or strong as the male tail hair. Less expensive bows now use nylon or similar products.

National Violin Day on December 13 recognizes the impact and cultural contributions of a most versatile instrument. Sit back and enjoy the expansive sounds of the violin for a while tonight.