As part of a community strategy, as well as sharing profits through the annual 5% pledge, staff have committed to,.. Read More;
As part of a community strategy, as well as sharing profits through the annual 5% pledge, staff have committed to,.. Read More;
Loans of between £20,000 and £750,000 are available to landlords, with top slicing permitted on up to three mortgaged rental,.. Read More;
The money back guarantee gives Saga lifetime mortgage customers a six-month period after the completion date of the initial advance,.. Read More;
The leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer, made it abundantly clear recently that landlords would be taxed further if,.. Read More;
Prices for houses located in a hamlet or village rose 9.6%, compared to 9% in towns, 7.8% in cities excluding,.. Read More;
The demand for privately rented properties continues to outstrip supply in many areas of the country. That’s a sentence we’ve,.. Read More;
However, six in 10 people admitted that the biggest challenge is timing and knowing when to negotiate. Searches for property for,.. Read More;
MPowered Mortgages’ product offering comes alongside its in-house application platform, MPowered, which will now be available to Abacus Funding’s advisers,.. Read More;
The latest survey from the Greener Homes Attitude Tracker, based on responses from 4,500 people in the third quarter of,.. Read More;
In order to qualify for the quartz crystal, which is associated with success and wealth creation, brokers and introducers must,.. Read More;
Bank of England guidance outlined that mortgages are considered ‘high-risk’ if they are lent at 4.5 times the applicant’s salary,.. Read More;
The free borrower wellbeing app, which has received £1.63m in investment since inception and gained Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) authorisation,.. Read More;