An Easy Guide to Tracking Your Real Estate Goals


It’s usually easier to set goals than it is to reach them. Often when people set goals, they have only general ideas of what these goals are. The key to achieving all your real estate goals is not just to set them and literally forget them, but to consistently track your progress. Tracking your goals will give you insight into whether you should continue on the same path or change course in order to achieve your desired results.

Set Intentional Goals

First things first. Before you can get to tracking something, you have to set the target. When setting a goal, you want it to be focused and specific. General, abstract goals without clear direction or timeline are not likely to get you anywhere. Your goals need to be intentional.

What does it mean to set “intentional” goals?

  1. What are your intentions for setting these goals?
  2. How do you intend to achieve your goals?
  3. Does the intent behind this goal further larger business goals?

Set intentional goals using the SMART format.

How and Where to Use SMART Goals in Real Estate

Map The Route To Your Destination

Once you have your goals in mind, you need to figure out how you’re going to get there. It’s not enough to say “My real estate goal is to close an extra 30 million in sales this year.” What are the actions you need to take in order to close that amount?

Determine the how. Break your goal down into small steps: daily, weekly, and monthly actions and habits that build the framework for your success.

Staring down a large and lofty goal in the face may seem intimidating and filled with hard work. But breaking the large goal into little chunks makes it far less daunting to reach.

That’s not to say there is no effort involved. On the contrary, achieving your goals requires commitment to completing the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks you’ve mapped out that will collectively lead you closer to your goal.

One simple way to map the path to your goals is to use the 1-3-5 goal setting method. Using this strategy, you choose 1 goal, brainstorm 3 strategies to achieve your one goal, and build 5 tactics to implement your three strategies. Read more about this method and download the 1-3-5 goal setting template.

Notes On Keller Williams 1-3-5 Goal Setting Template

Create A Points System To Track Progress

While there are a number of apps out there geared toward real estate goal tracking, you can keep it simple without having to download another app to your phone. Most of these apps approach goal tracking in the same way: by creating some sort of points system to gamify the process of reaching your goals.

1. Create a Points Spreadsheet Set up a simple worksheet to keep track of your goals. One column should list the tasks you need to complete to reach your goal, which a number of points assigned to each task. Then add columns to track how often you’ve completed each task, and a column to track the results.

This example below shows a worksheet to track daily and weekly sample tasks. Daily and weekly goals are shown to the side. As this is just an example, feel free to adjust the numbers, tasks, points, and goals to fit your own business and goals.

Using a points system is not only a simply way to track progress toward your goals, but it is also very motivating! Seeing the numbers add up will encourage you to stay on course and continue on your path. Once you can easily incorporate this worksheet as part of your daily routine, you can adjust and increase your daily and weekly goals.

2. The Seinfeld Strategy

Famous comedian Jerry Seinfeld is accredited with a goal tracking method the internet dubbed the “Seinfeld Strategy” after a young comedian gave an interview about his encounter with Seinfeld. The young comedian, Brad Issac, had just started out in the comedy circuit. One night, he found himself backstage in a club where Jerry Seinfeld was performing.

In the interview, Isaac shared Seinfeld’s response when asked if he had any tips for a young comic.

He said the way to be a better comic was to create better jokes and the way to create better jokes was to write every day.

He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. He said for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red X over that day.

“After a few days you’ll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job is to not break the chain.”

The focus of this method is not in results. It’s just about maintaining a consistent pace of improvement toward your goals. It’s about “not breaking the chain.” Plus the concept is fairly simple:

  • Keep a calendar and check off each day that you complete your daily goal
  • Continue this every day until you have a chain of days you’ve checked off
  • Don’t break the chain

Eventually you’ll have several days chained together, and you’ll be less inclined to skip one and get set back to zero. Keep your focus and build your success over time.

Tracking progress determines how far you’ve come and how far you need to go. Achieving goals takes more than good intentions. You have to take action and systematically measure and track your progress. Find a technology partner like BoomTown to help you track your goals and keep your team accountable.