deVere: Government may not have gone far enough | Mortgage Introducer


Green said the government may need to rethink its strategy as government bonds appear to be “in crisis mode” and the pound has dropped below US$1.20.

Green said: “The UK government’s response of a £330bn ‘war chest’ package sounds impressive and has generated positive headlines.

“However, the economic strategy to combat the impact of Covid-19 might need a rethink for two main reasons.

“First, there are concerns that the fiscal stimulus they have offered might not be enough. This is evidenced by spooked stock markets sinking as investors fear the measures are not adequate.

“There are serious questions. Can they get it into the hands of individuals and companies quick enough? Is the system too political to get these measures to the people that matter most and fast enough?

“Second, the government is raising this enormous headline-hitting injection through issuing bonds. But the bond market has responded with fear: the 10-year gilt yield is up from 0.5% yesterday morning to 0.75%.

“An oversupply risk is also exacerbating a wider and deeper lack of confidence, as we have seen on stock markets. The UK’s leading stock index, the FTSE100, was down 4.8% this morning.”

Green added that concerns around the mechanics of the markets were also a potential problem.

He added: “The Volcker Rule post-2008 prevents banks warehousing risk, so if everyone sells and there is no-one to buy, then what happens? Previously, banks’ proprietary trading desks would take risks, but they are not allowed to now, meaning central banks will have to step in.

“If the markets don’t function as they should, this could hit the credit markets – a major issue as corporate America has borrowed more than ever before.”

However Green added that the market did provide opportunities.

He said: “I’m confident that ultimately the current volatility will highlight that we live in a time of great capabilities, opportunities and great promise.

“But with this volatility, people should revise and perhaps rebalance their financial strategies and portfolios to create, build and protect their wealth as the economic landscape evolves.”