One 2 One - Mortgage Engine senior relationship manager Natalie Strong | Mortgage Strategy


What is the main premise of your role as senior relationship manager at Mortgage Engine?

I am the first point of contact for all clients at Mortgage Engine, whether they are lenders, intermediaries or aggregators. I manage all aspects of the client relationship, from initial engagement to onboarding.

How has the pandemic shaped Mortgage Engine’s ambitions and plans for the future? 

Initially, the pandemic meant that banks had to delay their planned integrations and work on application programming interfaces. However, as the crisis has progressed it’s highlighted the importance of how technology can help lenders and brokers become more efficient.

In particular, we’ve seen an increase in interest from intermediaries wanting to ensure they are making use of all the digital platforms available to them to drive efficiency across and streamline their day-to-day processes.

In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of a tech firm in the mortgage industry? 

Working in a truly agile environment. This means having the ability to adapt, recognise and reprioritise work when it’s needed.

Mortgage Engine is better able to pivot and react faster to market changes than bigger organisations, which was never more important than in 2020. Last year the market really started to embrace tech and it was great to be in a position to keep it moving.

What is the best part of your job?

I really enjoy working in a start-up environment. There is a buzz at work every day, things move fast, my role is ever expanding and, most importantly, my opinion feels truly valued.

As a relationship manager at a company that operates at the intersection between lenders, brokers and aggregators, I am at the heart of the mortgage market, which is an exciting place to be.

As a woman working in the finance industry, do you feel there is equality in the sector? 

While progress has been made, we are a long way from equality in the sector. Being one of the few women in a room full of men is an all-too-familiar feeling and, unfortunately, still feels like the norm in financial services. Companies need to focus on being aware of their gender biases and work to remedy them.

I also think it’s important for women in senior finance roles to uplift, mentor and encourage other women in the industry.

If you had not chosen this career path, what other professions appealed to you? 

Growing up, I really liked the idea of being a dentist, but my extreme aversion to blood meant I had to find another passion!

If you were chancellor in the present day, what would you prioritise?

It’s such a difficult job navigating the pandemic and all the unknowns that come with it.

I think it’s important to find the right balance between managing the economy and keeping the housing market open while looking after the health and safety of the general population.

Closing the housing market at this time would have only added to the demands on a sector already under great pressure.

Do you have any secret talents?

I’m a classically trained pianist and oboist.

Who is your all-time hero and why?

My parents are my heroes because of their entrepreneurial spirit. They gave up everything to move our family from South Africa and ensure a safe future for my sister and me.

Their work ethic and business acumen, having started multiple businesses from scratch in a foreign country, set an inspiring example to grow up watching and be a part of.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

‘You can’t soar like an eagle if you’re flying with turkeys.’

Surround yourself with like-minded people who share similar goals and values to you.

Company profile  

Year established: 2017 

Headcount: 23 

Mortgage Engine is a digital platform that uses APIs to connect lenders to distributors, making the mortgage process more efficient at every stage and improving the mortgage application experience for customers.

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