Hispanic American Heritage Month Palm Beach County


September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month and Palm Beach County is paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. Palm Beach County honors all Hispanic Americans, and the diverse populations that contribute to our wonderful community.

This is the time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions and extensive histories of the American Latino community. Back in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed as “Hispanic Heritage Week”.  It was later extended to a month-long acknowledgement by President Reagan.  Since then, the month has been celebrated nationwide through festivals, art shows, conferences, community gatherings, and much more.

Palm Tran is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with a colorful bus that you will soon see navigating the streets of our area.  The bus will be on display at the Latin Quarter West Palm Beach Hispanic Heritage Festival on Oct. 9 in Phipps Park located at 4715 South Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach. The festival runs between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.