Starling Bank expands its Business Marketplace | Mortgage Introducer


Among the new arrivals in the bank’s Business Marketplace is online buy-to-let mortgage lender, Molo.

UnderPinned, the career-management platform for freelancers, and PayStream, which provides digital accounting services for contractors have also been added.

The entry of these three new partners takes the total number of integrations available in the bank’s marketplace to 24, all of which link with customers’ accounts and data, and are accessible via the Starling banking app.

Anne Boden, chief executive and founder at Starling, said: “Today’s entrepreneurs have grown accustomed to operating in a world where digital services are crafted around their particular needs.

“They expect the services they are offered to match closely with their business types, locations, and customer demographics.

“We believe that the Starling Business Marketplace is exceptionally well-suited to meeting such expectations, by giving businesses access to a range of services within the app they use for their everyday banking.”

Molo’s goal is to simplify the process of getting a buy-to-let mortgage by cutting out intermediaries such as brokers.

Francesca Carlesi, co-founder and chief executive of Molo, said: “Making easier, faster, fairer mortgages available to as many people as possible is something we’re truly passionate about, and having the support of Starling, an organisation creating such positive change in the industry, is invaluable.

“We’re excited for what’s to come and thoroughly look forward to working together.”

UnderPinned gives freelance workers in-app access to its Virtual Office which provides digital tools to design high quality portfolios, proposals and to create e-contracts.

Albert Azis-Clauson, chief executive and co-founder at UnderPinned, said: “UnderPinned exists to help freelancers build sustainable and fulfilling careers and by joining the Starling Marketplace, we’ll be able to improve the working lives of thousands more freelancers through our online platform.

“We’re building a very different kind of business, with innovation and customer experience at its core, and we’re confident that this natural synergy will lead to a long-lasting and fruitful partnership.”

Paul Malley, managing director at PayStream, said: “What makes us unique is that we identify customer needs and then develop services to satisfy those needs.

“Our new IR35 review service is no exception and is our latest innovation, helping customers impacted by the IR35 tax rules as a result of the new off-payroll working legislation due to come in this April.”