Editor's note: Farewell to 2021 | Mortgage Strategy


Well we’ve come to the end of another year and what a year it has been! Mortgage lending levels have reached record highs multiple times throughout the year and brokers have been busier than ever.

There were challenges in the year but also plenty of high points. For me personally, seeing so many of you in real life again at the Mortgage Strategy Awards in September was one of my favourite work memories of 2021.

You can read reflections on highlights of the year from across the industry, as well as hopes for 2022, in our round up here.

It is safe to say that everyone working in this great sector deserves a break over the Christmas period and I hope you manage to take one before your work life no doubt becomes chaotic again.

Mortgage Strategy is closing at end of business today for the Christmas break and returning on Monday 3 January 2022, but look out for newsletters over the coming weeks featuring some good reads.

Thank you all for your continued support throughout the year, we wouldn’t be here without you! Wishing you all a very merry festive period and the best of everything for the new year. Looking forward to seeing you again in 2022.

Rebekah Commane and the Mortgage Strategy team

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