5 easy ways to get your savings ready for Christmas


If this year is anything like the 2018 festive season, one in three Australians will be desperate for extra cash this Christmas. But you don’t have to raid your savings.

Here’s what you can do to stack up some Christmas cash and enjoy the silly season on a budget.

1. Try a side hustle

Research last year found that one in three Aussies take on extra jobs to help with the cost of Christmas, but a side gig can add valuable extra dollars to your savings account.

With sites like AirTasker it may be possible to pocket $5,000 a month – handy extra cash for your festive finances. Sure, it means less leisure time but it’s not forever.

2. Sell unwanted stuff

Those last few pay cheques of the year often have to stretch a long way. If that sounds like you, you might consider a spring clean and start selling unwanted items.

Nine out of ten of us have unwanted stuff just lying around our homes, and classified site Gumtree says it could be worth up to $5,300 per household. Now could be the time to sell as some Aussies will be looking to pick up second-hand Christmas gifts.

3. Hunt down unused gift cards

Paying for Christmas gifts doesn’t have to mean raiding your savings. One in five of us have one or more unused gift cards, with an average remaining balance of $187 per person.

Instead of leaving your gift cards in limbo, you could put them to work paying for this year’s silly season purchases. Or, if the gift card is for a store you rarely shop at, see if you can exchange it for cash with a friend, family member or colleague.

4. Eat in for delicious savings

Australian households spend about $44 each week on restaurant meals. That’s almost $200 every month! Resist the urge to splurge between now and Christmas by chowing down on BYO lunches at work (it’s less time queuing at food halls). Cook extra on weekends and freeze leftovers to avoid the Friday night takeout cravings, and have a cupboard cleanser to use what you already have.

5. Know your interest rate

Two out of five people don’t know the interest rate on their savings account. But it can pay to be engaged.

Research shows that savers who know their interest rate end up saving more than twice as much each month as those who don’t. The better your rate, the more your savings do the heavy lifting to help grow your cash pool.

If you’re saving to buy a home, go straight to Aussie to know how much of a deposit you need. You could be closer to getting into a place of your own than you realise.