The Mortgage Lender hires Sara Palmer as head of distribution | Mortgage Strategy


The Mortgage Lender (TML) has hired Sara Palmer as head of distribution.

Palmer has worked at Santander for the past 13 years where she has looked after key networks and distributors alongside managing and building key strategic relationships.

Palmer was also seconded to Mortgage Engine, a multi-DiP platform connecting lenders to distributors and intermediaries using API technology.

She will join TML in January 2022.

Palmer says: “Joining TML at this stage of its growth journey, and at such an important time for specialist lending, is an opportunity I simply could not turn down. The brand’s culture, people and leadership are also huge draws.

“Real life lending is such an exciting mission and I look forward to playing a role in the next stage of TML’s growth, adding value to brokers and advisers.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Santander for Intermediaries and wish the team well for the future.”

The Mortgage Lender sales director Steve Griffiths says: “Being able to attract talent of Sara’s calibre to our Senior Management Team  is testament to what TML has achieved over the past year. Her wealth of expertise and experience will help drive the team onto the next level as we embark on ambitious plans for 2022.”

TML was acquired by Shawbrook Bank in early 2021, while retaining the existing brand.

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