Computershare Loan Services donates


As the UK’s largest third-party mortgage servicer, Computershare Loan Services sets aside £20,000 annually for its donations fund to help prevent financial hardship and support those experiencing money problems.

By donating £10,000 to the Trussell Trust, Computershare Loan Services says it hopes to play a part in supporting people who require emergency food and need to use food banks as they are unable to afford the basics because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Samantha Stapley, Chief Operating Officer at the Trussell Trust, said:

“As the coronavirus outbreak develops, more people are likely to need a food bank’s help.

“Our teams are working tirelessly to ensure that food banks are able to remain open and have the necessary stocks to respond to this crisis.”

“Computershare’s support means we can remain agile to respond to the fast-changing situation and ensure food banks continue to provide the lifeline of emergency food and additional support for people in crisis. Thank you.”