New media platfrom launches for intermediaries | Mortgage Introducer


Newspage has evolved out of ‘The Great British Bounce Back’, which was launched by PR agency, Rhizome Media Group, during the first national lockdown to help small businesses that cannot afford a traditional PR agency have their voices heard and stories told.

Newspage enables intermediaries and advisers to create their own publicly visible and fully branded media centre in a matter of minutes.

They can add as many contactable ‘experts’ as they wish, create tags for their areas of expertise and add any content that could be of use to the media.

They then receive ‘NewsAlerts’ in app to breaking or upcoming news stories that they could contribute to and are also able to add news stories of their own.

The Newspage team will promote stories it believes will be of interest to the media for free.

Matthew Fleming-Duffy, founder of independent mortgage broker, Cherry Mortgage & Finance, said: “Newspage is an absolute no-brainer.

“It costs nothing to sign up and gives you the chance to be featured in the media for free.

“Since I created my own Newspage, I’ve been featured in countless newspaper articles, which has been fantastic for brand awareness and all-important trust.

“It’s like having your own PR agency without having to pay for one.”

Dominic Hiatt, founder of Newspage, added: “With Newspage, we want to give all intermediaries, from mortgage and insurance advisers to stockbrokers and IFAs, the chance to have potentially important exposure in the media for free.

“Financial services is such a fast-moving space that there is room for everyone to show off their expertise, whether that’s in a local newspaper or on an international newswire.”