Countrywide Surveying Services unveils new energy efficiency report | Mortgage Introducer


The report does not require a surveyor’s visit and is generated through a new dedicated online portal by using energy information about the property.

This is enabled through sources such as including Energy Saving Trust and Landmark Valuation Services, along with details provided by the customer about their property’s size, age and construction, as well as their current utility usage.

The energy report will provide customers with a series of suggested improvements, and will also provide a cost for completing the work and a calculation of how much it would approximately save customers on energy bills.

As well as this, the report will provide suggestions of small changes customers can make to their lifestyle.

EnergyFact is initially available to existing Santander borrowers and following completion of each report they will be offered an opportunity to provide an NPS customer feedback survey.

For every NPS customer feedback survey completed a donation of £1 will be made by Countrywide Surveying Services to a tree planting foundation.

Matthew Cumber, managing director of Countrywide Surveying Services, said: “We are very proud to have been the first surveying firm to develop this type of report and work alongside Santander, QES, Landmark Valuation Services and Energy Saving Trust to bring it to market.

“Improving the knowledge and awareness of the steps homeowners can take to improve their property’s energy efficiency is vital if we are to reduce our carbon footprint.”