New home registrations up 10% in Q1: NHBC | Mortgage Strategy


The number of new homes registered in Q1 2021 was 36,863, up 10% on the same period last year.

Out of this total, 26,985 were in the private sector, also up 10% on last year, while 9,878 were in the rental sector, up 13% on Q1 last year.

New home completions in Q1 were 33,074.

Of the homes registered, 12,583 were detached; 11,199 were semi-detached; 7,022 were apartments; 5,468 were terraced; and 591 were bungalows.

NHBC senior regional director Paul Edwards says: “Confidence in housebuilding remains buoyant with all regions in England, other than London and West Midlands, seeing an uplift in Q1 registrations compared to last year. ‘We simply cannot build quickly enough’ is a phrase we are frequently hearing. From rural developments to more central locations, sales remain positive and there is no apparent sign of a downturn in housing demands.”

Just Mortgages financial services director, new build division John Doughty says: “It is encouraging to see the rise in both new build home registrations and completions and housebuilding has certainly been picking up since last June after the first lockdown was lifted. This reflects our mortgage activity in the new build space, which has been boosted by the stamp duty holiday, Help to Buy and people’s desire for more space.

“Interesting, more detached and semi-detached houses are now being built compared to flats which saw an annual fall in registrations of 21% in Q1 2021. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have seen a rise in mortgage enquiries for houses than for flats. More people want a larger property for home working purposes and an outside garden area for relaxation and exercise.”

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