Christopher Pincher named as new Housing Minister | Mortgage Introducer


Pincher was formerly Minister of State for Europe and the Americas and is the MP for Tamworth.

Pincher has been an MP since 2010.

Looking over the past decade, Pincher will be the 10th Housing Minister, and the 19th since 1997.

McVey’s tenure represented the shortest for a Housing Minister in almost a quarter of a decade.

Pincher has previously voted to reduce housing benefit for social housing tenants, and is against raising welfare benefits to be in line with pricing.

Robert Jenrick MP, the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, tweeted his congratulations to Pincher yesterday evening.

Philip Kelvin, head of strategy at Trussle, said: “The revolving door at Department for Housing, Communities and Local Government has always moved quickly but now appears to be on the cusp of spinning out of control, following the departure of Esther McVey as Housing Minister.

“Ms McVey was in the role for just seven months, and as a result the UK now has its 19th Housing Minister – a worrying statistic considering the crucial role this ministry plays.

“We wish Christopher Pincher well as the new Housing Minister.

“This is a pivotal role in the government that could really help establish meaningful support for first-time buyers, following the end of the Help To Buy ISA scheme at the end of last year.

“We really hope to see Mr. Pincher bringing much needed innovation to the sector.”

Franz Doerr, founder and chief executive of flatfair, added: “I want to welcome Christopher Pincher to the housing ministry, and hope that they can bring stability to a vital government post.

“We hope that he continues to recognise the importance of driving a fairer and more effective rental market and commit to leveraging the latest technology to find solutions to the issues faced by millions of renters and homeowners across the country.”

Mary-Anne Bowring, group managing director of Ringley, concluded: “Christopher Pincher needs to bring with him a sense of real energy and commitment and Boris Johnson would do well to keep them on for the long-term.

“Without stability at the top, the government risks sleepwalking into multiple crises, as issues around fire safety and leasehold reform remain unresolved, while the continued squeeze on buy-to-let landlords threatens to make renting even more unaffordable for many.’

“The Housing Minister is not only a custodian of the safety of the current housing stock, but must be brave enough to think what future living is going to be as the lines between work and life continue to blur.

“Homes must provide shelter, but happy homes make for better mental health and if trends continue and housing is to be inhabited rather than owned then the lines of work and life and fun must blur.”