Nationwide cuts FTB rates by up to 60 basis points | Mortgage Strategy


Nationwide has made a number of cuts to its fixed rates, including products aimed at first-time buyers (FTBs), remortgagers and people moving home.

For FTBs, the cuts take place across the lender’s two-, three- and five-year at up to 90% LTV products. Highlights include:

  • The 60% LTV five-year fix with £999 fee being cut by 40 basis points to 4.44%
  • The 85% LTV five-year fix with zero fee having 60 basis points removed, taking it to 4.84%
  • The 60% LTV two-year fix with £999 fee being cut by 35 basis points, to 4.89%
  • The 85% LTV two-year fix with £999 fee being reduced by 55 basis points to 5.09%

Regarding remortgages, as above, two- three-, and five-year fixes at up to 90% LTV have received reductions. These include (all hosting a £999 fee):

  • The 90% LTV five-year fix being cut by 55 basis points to 4.89%
  • The 60% LTV five-year fix having 36 basis points removed, giving a price of 4.43%
  • The 80% LTV three-year fix being reduced by 55 basis points, to 4.99%

And for new borrowers wishing to move house, once again, two-, three-, and five-year fixes at up to 90% LTV have been repriced, with headline cuts including:

  • The 60% LTV five-year fix with £999 being lowered by 40 basis points to 4.44%
  • The 85% LTV five-year fix with zero fee receiving a 60 basis points reduction, moving its rate to 4.79%
  • The 80% LTV two-year fix with £999 fee being cut by 55 basis points, to 4.99%

Cuts of up to 60 basis points also feature for existing borrowers who wish to move home, prices for selected switcher products have been reduced by 6 basis points and, in the greed additional borrowing category, Nationwide has made reductions of up to 10 basis points.

Director of mortgages Henry Jordan comments: “These latest changes, coupled with our existing schemes such as Helping Hand and Deposit Unlock, show our support for the housing market and all types of borrowers remains as a strong as ever and what people come to expect from the world’s largest building society.”

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