December home sales prices up over a year ago in Cuyahoga County


December home prices in Cuyahoga County were up over December a year ago in both the Cuyahoga County suburbs and the city of Cleveland.

The median price for a single-family home for suburban deals closed last month was $135,000, up from $130,000 in December 2018,'s monthly tracking of county home sales data found,'s monthly tracking of county home sales data found.

And in Cleveland, the median price was $51,500, up from $41,550 in December 2018.

In comparison to November, the December suburban price was down from $137,000, and the Cleveland price was up from $46,950.

As is typical for the season, prices tailed off during the last several months of the year. The medians were as high as $172,137 in June for the suburbs, and $55,000 in September for the city.

Combining both the suburbs and the city, the median selling price last month was $109,000, up from $108,000 in December 2018.

The analysis of county property transfer records includes single-family homes only, excluding both condos and duplexes, as well as sheriff's deed transactions and the handful of sales under $1,000.