Alan Young joins L&C Mortgages as chief executive | Mortgage Strategy


L&C Mortgages has appointed Alan Young as chief executive officer.

Young joins L&C with a wealth of industry knowledge and experience having held various roles including at ULS Technology and as chief commercial officer at John Charcol. He was most recently managing director of conveyancing and survey panel management business, Optimus.

The L&C Board has thanked Chris Mills, who held the chief executive role since March 2021, for the “leadership and guidance that has built the foundation for the business to look forward to exciting growth prospects ahead under Young’s leadership.”

Young says: “I am tremendously excited by the opportunity to lead the senior management team at such an established and highly respected company as L&C. With such a strong brand in the industry, a key aim will be to continue to seek out opportunities to further develop and grow the business over the coming months”

In addition to the appointment of Young, L&C can also confirm that Adam Connolly will join as chief commercial officer.

Connolly has over 20 years experience in the financial services and property sector, most recently as commercial and strategy director of Landmark Optimus.

Both Young and Connolly will assume their roles as of 1 November.

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