The Mortgage Lender recommences physical valuations in Scotland and Wales | Mortgage Introducer


The physical valuations are available for individuals or limited companies looking to purchase or remortgage single dwellings (including new build), HMO’s and MUBs.

Steve Griffiths, The Mortgage Lender sales director, said: “There is significant pent up demand from landlords whose plans were put on hold when we went into lockdown.

“This latest easing of restrictions means landlords are now able to execute their plans across the UK and coincide with increased availability of competitive products, like our own, that are designed to support a returning confidence to the housing market and give brokers and their customers greater choice.”

Rob Jupp, Brightstar group chief executive, added: “It has been encouraging to see companies like The Mortgage Lender embrace desktop valuations to help landlords with Scottish and Welsh properties during lockdown.

“The return to physical surveys means more complex circumstances such as HM0, MUB and new build, all of which we are seeing high demand for, can now progress.”

The move follows the reintroduction of physical valuations in England last month.