Sea Turtle Season is in Full Swing Palm Beach County


As one of Palm Beach County's most natural thrills, it is always amazing that approximately 3,000 enormous sea turtles still stagger onto South Florida’s beaches at night to lay their eggs. Every year between March and October, the pristine beaches are decorated with orange-colored tape and signs to show where these amazing, archaic sea creatures have buried their nest. Under the pale light the moon shines onto the beaches, turtle nesting season is such an awe-inspiring scene to watch. As the sea turtles made their way up to the beach to dig holes in the sand and lay their eggs and then they disappear back into the deep blue.

Up and down the beautiful Atlantic Coast, you can witness this amazing spectacle yourself as environmental groups and parks organize the summer nighttime sea turtle walks in the months of June and July. A couple of months later, the tiny hatchlings you watched the enormous female sea turtle lay eggs will be hatched and emerge from the sand to scuttle to the water. Enjoy an evening of sea turtle exploration and identification while uncovering the natural history and myths of turtles. With a little luck and weather permitting, you might see a 300-pound loggerhead venture out of the ocean to lay her eggs.