Head of NRLA to speak at The Property Investor Show | Mortgage Introducer


The NRLA is the merge of the National Landlords Association (NLA) and Residential Landlords Association (RLA) which launched earlier this month.

Beadle will explain the rationale behind the proposed merger, its previously reported delay, and the implications and benefits for their 80,000 members.

The spring show will take place on Friday 3 April and Saturday 4 April and is once again at London’s Excel Exhibition Centre.

Nick Clark, managing director of The Property Investor Show, said: “Last year was our best ever attendance and that was despite a difficult and uncertain Brexit fuelled backdrop.

“But from the confirmations already received from exhibitors for this year, it’s certain to be an even busier two days with more companies in attendance and more visitors too.

“Talk of a ‘Boris Bounce’ in the wider economy will certainly relate to a more buoyant property market in both transactional and value terms and this has fired the starting gun on what’s set to be a bumper year for those looking to capitalise on an investment in property.

“The majority of experts are forecasting value increases in 2020 and beyond now.”

Kate Faulkner and Paul Shamplina will also return as speakers and panel hosts.