Spring CleaningFor Your Health - Mortgage Women Magazine



Spring cleaning is a thorough cleaning of our house or workspace, but it can also apply to our physical, emotional, and mental space. We all tend to accumulate things we no longer need or use, allowing clutter to creep in on us. It can be little things that don’t seem to make a big difference, like files we never got around to putting away, a pile of jeans that no longer fit, and magazines we meant to read. But it can also include a few extra pounds that crept on over the holidays, a grudge we haven’t moved past, or a story you continue to replay in your memory that no longer serves you well. Over time, these little and big accumulations can have a significant impact on our health.

Home and Workspace Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning our environment is a form of self-care and has important and surprising health benefits.

  • Cleaning improves the immune system. According to Marie Kondo, best-selling author of Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, many experts claim the pollution inside our homes can be worse than the air pollution outside. Cleaning clears our environment from dust, mildew, mold, and pet dander that can trigger allergies. The much anticipated and beautiful budding of trees and flowers bring enough allergy triggers without adding anything else to the mix.
  • Cleaning can help reduce stress. Although we might not be aware of it, clutter creates stress. Whether it is piles constantly reminding us of things we need to do or the frustration of digging through drawers trying to find the items we need, de-cluttering reduces the to-do lists and the stress it creates. Cleaning can also be a great opportunity to clear your mind, contemplate a decision, or think through a project. Or, put on headphones and listen to your favorite music or podcast and give yourself a mental time out. Take this time to practice gratitude for each space, item, and memory stirred while cleaning.
  • Cleaning supports heart health. Cleaning to the point of sweating and breathlessness can have the same benefits as light exercise like walking. Thirty minutes of vacuuming can burn up to 94 calories for women. That’s motivation to vacuum!
  • Cleaning helps you sleep better. Keeping your bedroom free from clutter helps shut down the mind and allows for deeper sleep. The National Sleep Foundation also found that 75 percent of those individuals polled sleep better on clean sheets with a fresh scent. Create a space where you can fully relax and get restful sleep.
  • Cleaning helps increase focus. Stacks and clutter not only create places for dust to accumulate, they are also a distraction. By creating a cleaner more organized space, it allows your brain to focus better and be more productive.
  • Cleaning improves your mood. Let’s admit it, cleaning isn’t top of the list of fun things to do; however, it is extremely satisfying once it is done. A fresh smelling, de-cluttered home or work environment can boost mood and give us the motivation to tackle that project we have been wanting to get done.

Physical Body Spring Cleaning

For our physical body, there are many detox diets available. I covered this more extensively in the September issue, so if you would like to re-read that article, click the link here: https://www.mortgagewomenmagazine.com/health-and-wellness/10-steps-for-a-fall-detox/. For a quick recap, I recommend a natural, easy to follow cleansing through supporting our own natural detox system with the following:

  • Drink water – Water is the living element that flushes out toxins and gets rid of them.
  • Eat whole foods – Processed and fast foods leave behind unwanted and undigestible chemicals. By eating whole foods, it allows our body to get rid of the built-up clutter of unhealthy waste.
  • Exercise – The skin and lungs are two of our primary detox organs. When we sweat, we get rid of toxins through the skin. And, breathing deeply during exercise gets rid of toxins through our lungs.


Mental and Emotional Spring Cleaning

Detoxing negative emotions, memories, and thought patterns can be even more important to our health than any other form of detox because our thoughts and emotions give us the desire and determination to take care of our space and body. When we hold on to emotions, fears, experiences, and interactions with people, this tends to accumulate in our bodies and have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. To get rid of negative emotions try a few of these suggestions:

  • Journaling – It is a great outlet to literally empty out your mind and clean out the old matter through which we need to work. If setting aside time to journal each day seems overwhelming, start small with just a couple sentences before you go to bed about what you want to release that day.
  • Gratitude – Focusing on what we are grateful for helps to reprogram our brain as we release the old negative thoughts. After writing a couple of sentences about what you want to release, write three things for which you are grateful. They can be simple things like sleep or clean sheets.
  • Breathing – Taking a few deep breaths throughout the day not only helps get rid of physical toxins, but it also helps reduce stress.
  • Meditation – Spend a few minutes just being present in the moment. Notice your breath, notice the sounds around you, notice how you feel, notice your thoughts, and then let them float on by. Practicing mindfulness trains us to stay in the moment instead of focusing on the past.
  • Intentional – Before you get out of bed every day, set your intention to stay present in every moment and find joy throughout the day.

Spring is a time of new beginnings, new life, and new adventure. Doing a deep clean of our living and work environments as well as our physical, mental, and emotional space prepares us for the new growth ahead. It is a perfect time to awaken to renewed energy and motivation to complete the goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of the year.


Cindy is a Certified Integrative Wellness Coach and personal trainer for professional women. She has been helping women achieve their health and fitness goals local and abroad for the past 15 years. For a free consultation, contact Cindy at [email protected].


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