Five Tips to Disrupt Your Narrative: Wisdom from Interviews with Women in Mortgage - Mortgage Women Magazine


Last year Liz and I founded a company called Aisling (pronounced ashling) Productions. In Ireland, Aisling means “dream” or “vision,” and Liz and I have a big one. Our mission is to create conferences and events to disrupt how women in the mortgage industry come together and learn about how to create wealth and make serious money.

Liz has been in the mortgage industry for over 25 years, and, for over a decade, I have been teaching women how to harness their inner rebellion to change their lives. Together we are an unstoppable force and we hope to bring you wisdom gleaned from dozens of interviews with women from all over the country.

Nearly every woman we have interviewed has said, “I didn’t grow up dreaming I would go into the mortgage industry, I really just fell into it.” This was a resounding message from so many women. What happens when you fall into a business is that oftentimes you can be left feeling like you are on an island. Because finance is often times a male-dominated industry, women can be left feeling isolated like they are fighting an uphill battle, especially when there are few women in the company.

These tips for disrupting your narrative come from some of the leading producers, managers, and CEOs in the industry.

  1. It doesn’t serve anybody to pretend you are someone else. Authenticity is the way to wealth. Success doesn’t come to women when they act like anything other than who they are. The mortgage industry needs you to just be If you are trying to be someone you are not, your clients and your coworkers will know it.


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