Singer Island Sunset Celebration


Within Singer Island’s beautiful tropical island setting, you will find a premiere arts and crafts show at the Sailfish Marina. On any Thursday evening you can enjoy the Sunset Celebration. You may well find art, wood sculptures, pottery, watercolors, blown glass, gold, and silver jewelry and much, much more. Be prepared for a fun filled evening as you browse all the arts and crafts on display and enjoy the ambiance of the marina.

Performers often come to try their musical skills out on the patrons of the Marina. Sometimes there is a steel drum band or there might be someone singing and playing their guitar. Think Jimmy Buffet vibes. Enjoy a beautiful sunset and just chill.

The Sailfish Marina Restaurant sets up a stand along the harbor selling their legendary “Grouper Dogs” and Conch Fritters. Eat, drink and stroll. If you prefer something more formal, the Sailfish Restaurant has dining with a beautiful view of the sunset over the water.

The Sunset Celebration takes place every Thursday from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm. Event parking is $5.00.