Maine & New Hampshire Continue to Attract New Residents | Maine Real Estate Blog


According to recent data from the Census Bureau, new arrivals continued to migrate to Maine and New Hampshire in 2022. Other New England states like Vermont and Connecticut had much smaller increases this past year, while Rhode Island and Massachusetts saw a negative percent change. The Maine Monitor, operated by the nonprofit Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting, summarized the Census Bureau’s latest findings: Since July 2020, an estimated 34,200 people have migrated to Maine — including 30,642 domestic migrants and nearly 3,600 international migrants, according to the Census figures. The state gained 14,125 domestic and international migrants in the year ending July 1. Among neighboring states, Vermont and New Hampshire saw an increase in population in the past year and since July 2020. Massachusetts’ population dropped. Throughout New England, the population surged in the wake of the pandemic as out-of-state migrants fled more populous urban regions and sought the safety of rural areas, as indicated by the gray bars in the graph above from the Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire. Just like in Maine, New Hampshire also saw a higher death rate than birth rate this past year, but new arrivals from out-of-state offset the otherwise negative change.