Shawbrook: Brokers optimistic about lending environment post-COVID | Mortgage Introducer


Nearly two thirds of commercial brokers (63%) and second charge brokers (66%) stated that they are confident about the lending environment as coronavirus restrictions ease.

When asked about their businesses, more than two in five commercial brokers (42%) and second charge brokers (45%) said they were confident about business growth post-pandemic.

When it came to consider any perceived challenges as we move through the Covid-19 crisis, brokers expressed concern around lending restrictions, valuation issues, and lead generation.

45% of commercial brokers said they thought that investors and landlords would look to increase their portfolio in response to the pandemic; this dropped to 34% among second charge brokers.

A quarter (25%) of second charge brokers said they had seen business volumes go up or stay the same when comparing to pre-pandemic levels, and 17% of commercial brokers said the same.

Emma Cox (pictured), sales director of property finance at Shawbrook Bank, said: “It’s difficult to predict the outlook for the property market as we emerge from COVID, there are so many variables.

“However, in spite of future uncertainty, it is positive to see that many brokers are optimistic when it comes to business growth and the lending environment.

“Of course, we understand that the current landscape presents a number of challenges, and some brokers will be feeling that more than others.

“This means that as we look ahead, and as we move further out of lockdown, it is more important than ever that lenders continue to work closely with the broker community to help navigate the inevitable challenges of the next six months.”