Happy Birthday to the U.S. Army


Happy birthday to the U.S. Army! The U.S. Army is 246 years old and counting. The U.S. Army is America's first national institution. What started off as mostly a volunteer service, has evolved into a force to be reckoned with. The June 14th event is being commemorated with the annual wreath laying in Washington, D.C. including the Secretary of the Army, Chief of Staff and Sergeant Major.

The U.S. Army was founded on June 14, 1775, over a year before the Declaration of Independence. The Continental Congress authorized the enlistment of expert riflemen to serve the colonies for one year. Prior to that day, colonies had their own militias with no unified chain of command from place to place.

There was a time when there were never more than 48,000 Continental soldiers. Today, the United States Army has over one million soldiers on duty, with an additional 800,000 Reserve and National Guard members. 

The resilience of the U.S. Army and its history is a testimony to how integral the U.S. military is in peacekeeping. Waterfront Properties and Club Communities wishes to express tremendous gratitude on the 246th Army’s Birthday!