Nationwide's virtual assistant responds to 10,000 mortgage holiday queries | Mortgage Introducer


The virtual assistant was updated with its new capabilities at the end of March, responding to thousands of queries within the first few days, and about 350 per day since then.

When Arti has not been able to answer, it has passed queries on to a fully trained mortgage adviser, within the same online chat experience.

Since its launch in 2018, the software has supported almost 15,000 first-time buyers, and since 2019 has also guided members through Nationwide’s later life product range.

Beverley Bartlett, senior digital manager at Nationwide, said: “We see Arti as one of our 18,000 colleagues supporting members to find the best possible solution to their query.

“This isn’t solely about innovation but responding to our members’ most pressing needs.

“Training Arti is just one part of a bigger picture as we find new ways to serve our members better and deploy our colleagues to areas they are most needed, during this unprecedented time.

“With an 89% increase in new registrations for Nationwide’s online bank since lockdown began, it’s important we provide our members with more choice to engage with us digitally, alongside our branch network and contact centres, should they need them.

“The speed at which we delivered this new capability meant that frontline teams could spend their time dealing with more complex queries from our members.

“It means we can continue to serve our members in more ways, more quickly and effectively, but still with the added reassurance of the human touch, if needed, that our members value.”