Why you might buy when mortgage rates are high


You may have heard that mortgage rates recently jumped above 7 percent, which is more than double the rate from less than 2 years ago. 

And if you're like many other people, today's higher rates have you thinking about putting your home-buying plans on-hold. And understandably so. 

But it's very possible you might be missing out on a real opportunity by deferring your home-buying goals. That's because now that rates are higher, you have fewer competing buyers to contend with. And the competition and bidding wars will surely increase once rates fall again. 

So, if you're an aspiring buyer, here are two important questions that we have for you: 

If you could find a nice home this fall and if you could afford it by living within your means...And if your new home would give you peace of mind...Would you buy it?

If knowing that you can start earning equity right now...And that you can refinance your mortgage when rates drop again...Can you see the present moment as both a challenge and an opportunity

These are great questions to think about in our new era for real estate