Best Way to Spend Your Time At Home


If you are looking for new ways to fill your time during quarantine, check out our list of some things to do to past the time. 

1. Rediscover your hobby or learn a new one:

With our social lives on pause, now is the perfect time to start a new hobby and learn a new skill. 

2.  Reconnect with old friends:

Social isolation doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to friends.  Popular apps such as Zoom and FaceTime are bringing more people together and has become the new social interaction. 

3.  Bring out your inner Chef: 

You won’t become a professional chef overnight but now is the time to make those new recipes you always wanted to try.

4.  Be creative:

Use this time to play those board games or finish that puzzle or maybe even draw or paint something. 

5.  Workout from home:

Since gyms and recreational facilities are currently closed, many gyms and apps have gone virtual and are offering free classes or daily workout routines for you to still get in your daily workout.

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