How to make house hunting with kids fun.


A good solution is to get your kids involved as much as possible before the Saturday house hunt even begins. Doing so will help them feel excited about finding a new home and lessen the stress for everyone on the day.

Here’s our tips and downloadable activities to get the kids excited about the big move.

1. Know what the kids want too

Most of us have a property wish list when we head out on a house hunt, so why not let the kids have a say too by creating a family property wish list together. Are you a family of pet lovers? Do the kids dream of a big backyard with a colourful jungle gym set or swimming pool? Or are you just looking for location and convenience? By including, the kids ‘needs’ in the decision-making process, you’re also doing yourself a favour by narrowing down the list of houses you view.

2. Plan ahead

So you know what you want and have found the properties that match, the next step is to map out your route. Make sure to include toilet breaks, lunch stops and any trips to the local park, beach or town centre to get a better feel for the area and break the day up.

For younger kids this is a great distraction and way to blow off steam in between viewings and for older children who are perhaps reluctant to move from school friends, it’s a great opportunity to show off the area and excite them about what a future move could mean.

3. Be prepared

Plan for all eventualities and make sure you have everything you need, be it music for the car, change for parking meter, their favourite toy, a packed lunch and plenty of snacks, a change of clothes and a movie, colouring book or game in case it all gets too much.

4. Set the rules

Try to avoid problems before they happen by talking through the day and the rules you all need to follow when going around someone else’s home.

5. But most of all – make it fun

Giving a child a task to focus on during the viewing can engage them and, coincidentally, make them feel like an integral part of the process.

So come and visit the Aussie blog next month when we offer you a kid’s house hunting survival kit that you can print and take with you when on the hunt. It will keep the kid’s busy, we promise.

6. And if all else fails…

If all the entertainment, snacks and good behaviour rewards aren’t enough to keep your brood in check, perhaps it’s time to make life extra easy and get a Buyer’s Agent to do the leg work for you.

Are your family ready to find your next home?