A Paradigm Shift


A Paradigm Shift

The Silver Lining of COVID-19

Be forewarned: this post is going to stray a bit from our usual subject matter. You can find plenty of information about foreclosures, credit card debt, and consumer rights in our blog, but this one today is about you. It’s about us. It’s about what we can learn through adversity and how we can (hopefully) grow as a people and as a country after the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, what have we learned through the struggles, the ups and downs, and the completely exceptional events surrounding the pandemic?

We’re learning to be with each other

We’re a family here at Jacobs Legal in addition to the fact that we all have families. One thing we have all noted is how much this pandemic has brought us closer to our families. In the day to day hustle, it’s so easy to get used to only seeing your whole family together for an hour or two a day and (maybe) on the weekends. Sure, sometimes the closeness of COVID-19 brought us a little too tightly together, but overall, we’ve noticed that our families have become more closely knit and it’s been amazing to notice what can happen when we simply spend time together.

We know that not every family situation can be so lucky. And there is bound to be strife and difficulty, but we hope that through it all we see that we’re not going anywhere. Family is for life and so we hope that we can all find a way to work it out. For us, COVID-19 has definitely brought us together.

We’re learning that we want a government who is there for us

Through the pandemic we have had the opportunity to see how many governments around the world have addressed COVID. How did our government do, well that’s a matter of debate. Especially when you break it down from federal, to state, to local policy. But one thing we have all found is that we want a government that is there for us, especially in times like these.

Is our government by the people and for the people? The truth is, we don’t have a government for the people. Our government looks after the interest of the banks and corporations and the wealthiest 1%. The stimulus was a nice little bonus, but for most people it was too little too late. Coming out of the pandemic we hope to see a country that comes together and asks the government to remember its place in protecting we the people.

We’re learning it’s not red vs. blue…or at least it shouldn’t be

Is it any big secret that people with the most power in this country are the ones with the most money? If there’s one thing COVID did for us, it brought us all to the same level. Democrat or Republican, we were all affected alike. And while  the rest of us were struggling there are those in power who could sit through a hundred pandemics for four generations and still have enough money to run the country.

We can argue policy all day and night long, but until we change the fundamental power structure, it will always be the majority (that’s us, the 99%) vs. the power and money hungry. Hopefully we can remember this when all is said and done with this pandemic.

Tell us what you’ve learned through this pandemic. Reach out and share your experience with us. And since we’re completely breaking the mold with our blog this time, we want to say we love you and we hope the best for you. We are willing to fight for you and we are willing to stand beside you.

We are all in this together.