Why we encourage our team members to join community and service organizations


Over the years we've become increasingly involved with local service organizations, and it' been an overwhelmingly rewarding experience to collaborate with others and work for positive change. Along the way we've been learning that there are a number of other benefits that come with volunteerism. Here are three big benefits that we've experienced through our work with local community groups. 

Three big benefits of volunteerism 

#1: Volunteerism offers exposure to role models.

By volunteering our time to local community organizations, we're getting to know some incredible, service-minded people. In the process we're able to observe their habits, their mindset, and their leadership abilities at work. It's an amazing educational opportunity to be able to work with so many different role models and so many inspiring people through volunteerism. 

#2: Volunteerism inspires a greater purpose for our work. 

Working with volunteer groups has been a life-changing experience because it has helped us envision new possibilities for our jobs. Now, our work in real estate is more than a career for us. It's our platform that we use to influence positive change in the business community and the community at large. 

#3: Volunteerism enhances our notion of service. 

Our whole notion of service has been transformed over time -- thanks in part to what we have learned from different leaders in the community. As a a group, we view every client we serve as an opportunity (and a responsibility) to practice our craft with skill and empathy at a time when our clients really need us to be at our best. Getting involved in the community has helped us become better real estate agents and better business owners, too. 

Are you someone who would like to use your career as a platform for positive change? 

We would love to have coffee with you if this notion inspires you! Please reach out to either Ann or Dan for a conversation -- and let's discuss the possibilities!