Meet Shelley Lazzareschi, home stager extraordinaire


If you're in need of a realtor who will help you transform your home into a beautiful, showcase listing, then Shelley Lazzareschi is your agent. Working alongside the amazing Debbie Lea, Shelley has earned a reputation for generously sharing her staging passion and expertise with her home-selling clients. And just as generous, Shelley shares her skills with all of us on the Mad City Dream Homes team. 

The results are eye-popping photos like the ones below. And it's photos like these that elicit strong, emotional responses from buyers who write really, really nice offers. Here are just a few of our favorite photos from the Shelley Lazzareschi home staging portfolio. 

Staging by Shelley Lazzareschi

At Mad City Dream Homes, sharing our expertise is at the heart of everything we do.

As individual agents, we all have our areas of specialization and expertise. And as a group, we make all of our collective expertise available to you. 

Do you have a real estate challenge that you're trying to address? Chances are, we can handle it. With hard work and plenty of great teamwork, we can help you turn your challenges into opportunities. Please reach out to us anytime for a helpful consultation. We're here to help!