5 Things to Consider When Building a New Home


Choosing to build a new home can be an effective option for first home buyers who want to get a foot onto the property ladder. Because it can be daunting trying to navigate the new build process for the first time, it’s helpful to have a heads up about what to expect. Like how long it should take, what to think about in terms of design, and how to find a builder. To help you get started, here are 5 things to consider when building a new home.

1. The timeline is a guideline only

When it comes to building a new home, there are several factors that impact how long your newly built home will take to be completed. Which is why the timeline your builder presents you with should be viewed as a guideline only. Bad weather, supply issues, contractor scheduling conflicts, and building consents are all completely out of your control and can delay the build process. It’s important to realise that your ideal schedule may not go according to plan and to allow for contingencies.

2. Design for the future

While you may be thinking about how your home is going to look when it’s completed and planning the design around your immediate future, it’s worthwhile designing your home a perspective of the next five or ten years. If you’re a young couple planning a family, will you need more space in a few years’ time? Or if you’re older and your children will be leaving home soon, could that extra lounge space be better used in another part the home?

3. Plan for extra storage

It may be tempting to choose a bigger lounge area over extra cupboard space in the bedrooms, but having that extra storage is a real win when it comes to organising your home when you move in. Keeping your home clutter-free with everything packed away in its place can have a real positive influence on your lifestyle – especially as working from home becomes more common-place.

4. Research the builder and contractors

Doing your homework and properly researching builders and other contractors will ensure you’re getting the best build for your budget. Don’t be afraid to ask for references and check online reviews, compare quotes and read the fine print so you’re clear on exactly what is and isn’t included.

5. Invest in the detail

It can be hard to decide where to spend a little more of your budget when building a new home. But most new build homeowners will agree that spending a little extra on the fixtures and fittings in the bathrooms and kitchen pays dividends! By investing in quality fixtures and fittings, you’ll avoid having to repair or replace for at least the first few years of living in your new home.

An exciting time ahead

Building a new home can feel stressful, but it’s certainly rewarding too. Seeing your dream home being built is exciting. And the pleasure of moving into your own home is immeasurable.

If you’re considering building a new home, contact a Mortgage Express branded adviser in your area to discuss your options for construction finance. And for those first home buyers who meet the eligibility requirements for a First Home Grant, talk to a Mortgage Express branded adviser about how you could benefit with a boost to your deposit.