Zurich launches critical illness cover - Mortgage Introducer


Both the core and select levels of critical illness cover will be available, providing different tiers of benefits.

Children’s cover, multi-fracture cover, total and permanent disability cover (TPD) and waiver of premium can be added as optional extras, in the same way they can on the current product.

Zurich has also enhanced its TPD benefit, with the addition of a ‘work tasks’ definition to provide wider access.

In scenarios where Zurich is unable to issue terms for the current ‘own occupation’ definition, customers will be automatically offered ‘work tasks’ instead.

Age limits for TPD have also been increased, raising the maximum age on application from 54 to 65 with customers able to claim until they turn 71, up from 60.

Zurich has developed the functionality for relevant life trusts to be fully completed online, removing the need for signatures and physical copies of the trust.

It is now also offering standard rates for customers with anxiety, stress and depression where symptoms are being well managed.

To coincide with these enhancements underwriting explanation letters, and all communications to customers, have been reviewed to ensure they deliver information clearly and with sensitivity.

Louise Colley (pictured), director of retail protection at Zurich, said: “We’ve listened to advisers and customers who have made it clear to us that flexibility, choice and access are top priorities.  We’re confident that our latest enhancements will mean more people can access vital cover which meets their specific needs

“We know through our claims expertise, that incidence of mental health issues amongst our customers is increasing.

“Our aim is to ensure that we can help as many people as possible put a financial safety net in place, with all of the benefits that come with cover such as Zurich’s Support Services which offers free counselling.”