Where We Are Now: May 20, 2020


Team –

Here is the Path Forward from yesterday and the slides. Glad you joined – great presentations!

I am not a privacy freak. I do have a password on my mobile phone, but really have nothing to hide. I do find it amazing how we are constantly being tracked via leading edge and trailing edge technology. Two stories for you to absorb, both involve tracking our movements.

The first, as reported by CNN, highlights X-Mode and Tectonix focused tracking location data from the phones of people who visited the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in March. The results of the tracking data, a map posted on Twitter, showed where people went after they visited the beach, spreading out all across the country to major cities including New York and Chicago, possibly bringing the Coronavirus with them. Not tracking the virus, just tracking people.

Ft. Lauderdale Beach Party     

Returning to Home

Pretty amazing. I am sure I could turn this capability off on my phone, but within reason I am sure there are many proactive and appropriate uses for this technology.

The second, as reported by The New York Times, relates to the USPS tracking us. In March, the United States Post Office received 56,000 mail-forwarding requests from New York City, more than double the monthly average. In April, the number of requests went up to 81,000, twice the number from a year earlier. Sixty percent of those new requests were for destinations outside the city.

The visual below tracks their moves.

You are now likely focused on two thoughts:

  • USPS, I did not know they had technology in their veins.
  • How could they share this real-time?

Not likely going to happen but a fascinating illustration by USPS of moves in the US. Think about the combined AI potential of USPS and U-Haul for migration patterns.

Clearly this is a privacy issue. Everyone will react differently.

Candidly, all the satellites in the sky can track all my movements during SIP, it will be a pretty stable and simple “dot” in one location, my home. Wish it was different.

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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