The Yorkshire cuts rates | Mortgage Introducer


The society is supporting both buyers and those looking to remortgage by reducing its range.

Key highlights include a 3-year fixed rate at 65% LTV is now at 1.52%.

There is also a 5-year fixed rate at 80% LTV at 1.80% and a 7-year fixed rate at 65% LTV which is now 2.22%.

All products come with a £495 completion fee and free standard valuation.

Ben Reed, product manager at Yorkshire Building Society, said: “Our mortgages come in a variety of shapes and sizes as we aim to cater for a number of homeowners’ needs.

“We know borrowers are looking for the security of knowing what their monthly repayments will be, so we’ve updated our range of options to give people a choice of competitive mortgages suited to their needs”.

Rachel Springall, finance expert at Moneyfacts, added:  “It’s great to see such as well-known brand launching competitive mortgage deals for borrowers, particularly those looking for a longer-term deal.

“Those borrowers looking for an attractive rate but also on a deal that has a reasonable product fee and an incentive package may then find these appealing.”