Nationwide cuts rates on selected mortgages | Mortgage Introducer


Notable reductions include cuts of up to 0.20% on selected 2 and 5-year house purchase fixed rates.

This includes the 5-year fixed rate with no fee at 75% LTV reduced by 0.20% to 1.99%.

For first-time buyer products, rates have been reduced by up to 0.25% on selected 2 and 5-year fixes.

Included within this is the 5-year fixed rate with no fee at 75% LTV reduced by 0.25% to 2.04%, and the 2-year fix with a £999 fee at 90% being reduced by 0.05% to 3.14%.

Within the lender’s remortgage range, rates have been cut by up to 0.15% across selected 2-year fixed rate deals.

This includes the 2-year fixed rate at 85% reducing by 0.15% to 2.84%.

As well as this, rates on the society’s existing customer moving home and further advance ranges have been cut by up to 0.05%.

On Nationwide’s switcher range, selected rates will be reduced by up to 0.20%, with other rates being increased by up to 0.45%.

The lender is also adding to its range of £1,499 fee products.

Previously they were only available at 60% LTV but, as of tomorrow, they will be available for loans of £275,000 or more across all LTVs up to 90%.

Henry Jordan, director of mortgages at Nationwide, said: “We are reducing our rates again to ensure that we continue to remain one of the best lenders in the market for rate as well as service.

“The changes are being made across our range meaning all types of borrowers could benefit, whether they are moving home, getting their first home or remortgaging.

“The extension of our £1,499 fee product range to all LTV tiers up to 90% also expands the choice available to borrowers with the society.”