MHCLG appoints two non-executive directors | Mortgage Introducer


Housing, Communities and Local Government Secretary Robert Jenrick has added Dame Alison Nimmo and Jeffrey Dodds.

Both MHCLG directors will take up their new roles on 12 April 2021, and their appointments will run for three years.

Nimmo currently serves as a non-executive director of the Berkeley Group plc & Imperial College’s White City Syndicate.

She is also helping to run a mutual aid programme for Leathermarket JMB, the UK’s largest tenant-managed housing organisation and helping set up a new ‘Greener Bermondsey’ community programme.

Nimmo is also advising the King of Bhutan on the establishment of a Royal Commission to oversee the regeneration of its capital.

Dodds is the chief operating officer of Virgin Media and is also the executive sponsor for Virgin Media’s ‘Belonging’ strategy – the company’s focus on diversity and inclusion.

In addition, Dodds sits on the board of the disability equality organisation The Valuable 500.

Jenrick said: “I’m delighted to welcome Alison and Jeff to the board of MHCLG.

“Their breadth and depth of experience will be vital to shaping our department’s important work as we help the country recover and build back better from the pandemic.”