Dealing With Rejection | Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate


Much like any other professional sales career, real estate agents inevitably face rejection. Many are unable to handle the pressure and leave the job within a year of starting. Dealing with rejection is how agents survive the financial tides and move forward into productive and profitable careers. Discover how to deal with being rejected and make a comeback.

It’s Not Personal

It can be challenging to hear a client chose another agent, especially after working with the client for a while. Rather than viewing it as a personal attack, a savvy agent recognizes the client made a professional decision. Instead of reacting with anger or disappointment, thank them for making a choice and wish them the best. Handling the situation with grace can help an agent land an opportunity to be the client’s second choice. Developing strong leadership qualities from the beginning allows agents to become industry leaders in the future.

Create a Learning Opportunity

Instead of viewing rejection as an attack, think of it as a learning opportunity. Gently attempt to ask the clients if there was something that could have been done differently or better. Have an informal survey prepared to help find out what went wrong. Take a few minutes to review the interactions and see where improvements may have been made. Learn from any mistakes or missed opportunities to do better the next time. Prepare guidelines for future communications to stay on track.

Avoid the Blame Game

Placing blame on situations, technology, colleagues, and other factors is wasted energy. Avoid playing the blame game. Assess any general problem or issues,  then take steps to resolve them. Business processes are continually evolving, which means change is inevitable. Agents who resist the urge to place blame and find innovative solutions are the ones who will stay in the industry.

Set Long-Term Goals

Part of rejection is the sense of loss, both personally and financially. Nobody wants to think another agent was more likable and will now earn a commission for the sale. One way to avoid this feeling is to set long-term goals instead of obsessing over failures. Rather than focusing on lost deals, learn from them, and move forward. Agents who spend their time wooing the next deal will remain profitable for years to come.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful way to get past rejection. Rather than regretting what might have happened, agents can set goals and develop viable ways to achieve them. First, set measurable goals, such as a specific amount of money to earn within six months. Establish a step-by-step plan to reach those goals then get started. Keep track of the progress of your goals and be flexible enough to tweak the plan as necessary. As lessons are learned on ways to improve business, avoid investing too much time in thinking about the failures along the way. Your time can be better spent on exceeding your goals.

Accentuate the Positive, Eliminate the Negative

After being rejected several times, agents often opt out of the industry. The first slump can be a challenge to survive, both financially and emotionally. Staying positive after unfavorable circumstances is difficult, but worth the effort. Negativity comes through when an agent talks to a new client. Continuing to have an upbeat attitude will ultimately attract favorable professional circumstances. People are drawn to positivity, and ultimately, decide to become clients because they feel comfortable.

Enact Potential Scenarios With Associates

New agents sometimes feel unsure when faced with questions or issues they never heard before. Practicing ahead of time for upcoming client meetings is an excellent way to be well-prepared when the moment arrives. Agents can enact potential scenarios with their associates and brainstorm for ways to respond. Being ready means having the right words when the moment arises. When agents provide meaningful responses, they earn the trust and respect of clients as well as referrals.

Learn to Listen

One of the most significant factors clients voice about their dissatisfaction with agents is an inability to hear their concerns and respond accordingly. Learning how to listen is an essential skill for real estate agents to build long-term business relationships. Create a checklist to discuss with buyers and sellers during the initial meeting. Go through it naturally yet completely to help accurately assess what the clients want and need. If there are any changes, refer to the original checklist and make updates as needed. Clients often change their minds and forget it, so it helps to memorialize the journey, so they benefit from what they learned along the way.  Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate agents are provided a full range of tools to help them listen to and address clients’ concerns.

Dealing with rejection is never easy at any age or in any circumstances. Professional rejection has financial as well as emotional and mental impacts. Strong leadership qualities and the ability to continually improve, are cornerstones to a successful career as a real estate agent. Even if an agent falters, the right approach helps agents make a solid comeback.

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