Palm Beach County Commissioners Want To Be Included In Phase One


Palm Beach County Commissioners met yesterday to discuss the possibility of starting to reopen Palm Beach County. Several other counties around Palm Beach County have received the okay from the Governor to begin Phase One of Reopening Florida. 

Currently Miami-Dade County, Broward County and Palm Beach County are excluded from Phase One of reopening Florida. Under Phase One, which started Monday, May 4th allows restaurants and retail shops to open at 25% capacity. 

Palm Beach County Commissioners met yesterday and agreed to ask Governor DeSantis in a letter for Palm Beach County to be included in Phase One of Reopening Florida.  Many of the commissioners were in favor of Phase One and said that “Palm Beach County shouldn’t delay entering the phase” and said” the county needs to make sure social distancing guidelines are followed”. 

Commissioners also plan to hold a meeting on Friday, May 8th to discuss the possibility of reopening beaches in Palm Beach County. 

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