Paradigm to run reverse advent charity drive | Mortgage Introducer


The Trussell Trust is the only nationwide network of foodbanks providing emergency food and support to people in crisis right across the UK.

As a result of the pandemic, Paradigm will again be collecting food supplies via a ‘reverse advent’ approach.

However given the physical challenges of collecting food, the lender is encouraging all who wish to support to offer a financial donation.

Paradigm has set up a Virgin Money Giving page where financial donations can be made to The Trussell Trust, and all those who donate can also add Gift Aid where appropriate.

The Virgin Money Giving page can be accessed here.

Over 8.4 million people in the UK are experiencing food poverty of some kind and The Trussell Trust expects its network of UK food banks to give out six emergency food parcels every minute this winter.

Furthermore the lender is encouraging people to share details and photos of the event via social media using the hashtag #ParadigmHelpFightHunger.

Riona Mulherin, head of marketing at Paradigm Mortgage Services, said: “We’re all acutely aware of just how challenging 2020 has been for many people and, especially in the lead up to what may be a very different Christmas, there is plenty to concern us all.

“The ‘reverse advent’ initiative is simple: instead of enjoying a chocolate for the 24 days running up to Christmas, give a small food item each day to someone less fortunate or make a financial contribution if you’re able.

“This year more than ever, we think it’s important to do our bit to try and ensure that no-one goes hungry and by supporting the fantastic work of The Trussell Trust, we hope to be able to do just that.

“We’ll be running our ‘reverse advent’ collection of food once again, and we’re encouraging all of our member firms and partners to do likewise.

“That said, we know that many offices are still closed or have only a few members of staff working from them, so we’ve also set up a fundraising page where we’ll be accepting donations and all of the money raised will go to support the excellent work done by The Trussell Trust.

“In the past two years we’ve collected a huge amount of non-perishable food and we’re not going to let the current situation stop us in repeating our efforts whether this is through donations of food or money.

“We are extremely grateful for all of the support we have had for this initiative in previous years, and we hope that many individuals and businesses within the industry will be able to support us once again and get behind this important initiative.”