Your vocation as a form of art


What is the definition of art? According to author Seth Godin, "Art is a human act, a generous contribution, something that might not work, and it is intended to change the recipient for the better, often causing a connection to happen."

With Godin's definition, is it possible that your vocation could serve as an expression of art, too? Could a REALTOR, of all people, practice their vocation in a way that generously contributes to others while creating connections and influencing positive change? 

We believe treating your career as an expression of art is entirely possible. And in fact it's the only real option in a world that desperately needs more of us to be more generous, to create more connections, and to initiate more positive change. 

And so, we are faced with two choices. We can either view ourselves as workers and our careers as jobs where we go about our work in the ordinary and predictable manner that our employers and society expect from us. Or we can view ourselves as artists and our careers as art, where we are constantly creating, connecting, and generously extending ourselves to others. 

If this notion of work is intriguing to you, then we invite you to read the book, Linchpin, by Seth Godin. If you take the time to read it (or listen to it), this book could forever change your perspective on your career and your true potential. If you'd like your own copy of the book, please call me at 608-852-7071. I have a few extra copies on hand, and I would be happy to mail a copy to you. 

Two other great resource are Seth Godin's blog and podcast. Both are full of insight that challenges us to question the status quo, to think in new ways, and to imagine new possibilities for ourselves and those we serve.