NHBC: New home registrations reaches highest level since 2007 | Mortgage Introducer


Between 2010 and 2019, a total of 1.4 million new homes were registered to be built across the UK.

In 2019, 161,022 homes were registered with NHBC, an 81% increase on the 88,849 homes registered in 2009.

This means 2019 was the strongest year for NHBC new home registrations since 2007.

Over the same period, the West Midlands (169%) and North West (148%) have seen the highest percentage increase of new homes registered.

Compared to the previous year, the number of homes registered in 2019 was up 1%.

Growth was driven by the capital, where new home registrations increased by 37%.

The Build to Rent sector saw a 57% increase in registrations in 2019 compared to 2018.

New home completions in 2019 of 150,436 were also marginally up on the previous year.

Steve Wood, chief executive at NHBC, said: “It is great to see the resilience of house builders over the 2019 year.

“This momentum needs to be maintained as we enter a new decade, with the industry ever-more focused on quality and fire safety.

“At NHBC we remain committed to our purpose of giving homeowners confidence in the quality of the nation’s new homes and working with house builders as the industry faces into the skills, supply chain and environmental challenges in front of us.”