Access FS offers new administration service for brokers | Mortgage Strategy


Access Financial Services (Access FS) has launched an administrative service for its brokers.

The service, which has been in a pilot for the past four months, will provide brokers with a complete support system.  

It will help to fill in application forms, get a successful decision in principles (DiP), check each fact find is complete, chase customers for supporting information, and review documents to ensure they are compliant and prepared for signoff. 

In addition, it will ensure that all documents to be submitted are correct and on file as well as drafting suitability letters for sign-off and chase lenders, solicitors and estate agents where relevant.

Access FS says the first broker to trial the service increased the number of applications they could take on by 30% in the first two weeks. 

After speaking to its brokers to see what their biggest inhibitors to writing more business were and what would most help them, Access FS chief executive Karl Wilkinson comments: “Overwhelmingly we heard that the level of administration required, particularly to submit a mortgage case, was taking a huge amount of time and preventing them from seeing the number of clients that they would otherwise be able to.”

“We looked in detail at the key areas that were absorbing the most time and came up with a tailor-made proposition to solve their issues and enable them to see more clients.”

“The results even in the first month were better than any of us imagined they would be. We rolled the pilot out to a wider number of brokers and they all found the same. So we are now rolling it out to all of our brokers who want to take it, so they can all benefit.”

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